Tuesday, 24 June 2008

we smoke tabs

last month i went to Paris with we smoke fags to shoot a video... here is a picture of two fags drunk on the eurostar after quaffing copious amounts of the free champs they give you in 1st class.

the video was directed by Jean Demery (he has rad red hair)and produced by Mourad Belkeddar and his partner in crime Benjamin Lindbergh at soixante quinze. Mourad gave me a tour of the offices (big) and introduced me to Jonas from jonas and francois but i didn't realise who he was until afterwards. The shoot coinsided with the busiest day of my life at work (nash was on hols) so all everyone saw of me was when i looked up from my blackberry.. anyways the shoot was fun and the video is ace. you can watch it here....

then i found this... a kid with apparently recovering from a broken back, relieving
his recovery boredom by skateboarding while high on painkillers. His theme tune is the we smoke fags track! weird.


claire xx

Friday, 13 June 2008


Sorry, I forgot to mention that Jim Canty directed the James Blunt video featured the other day. It was a pretty fiddly 'one shot' idea. It took a whole day of rehearsals to get right. And as you all know these things can be stressful.

Here's a picture of Jim just before we went for the first take:

And here's a picture of him just after he watched the video playback of the first take:

Finally here's a picture of producer Juliette Larthe and legendary playback operator Von Adams:

When i took this picture Von was worried that, in his own words, he was 'too black for blogs'. I love Von. He's amazing.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Michael Buble can't dance like me

Here's a picture of James Blunt taking 'five' on the set of his latest video for the single 'I Really Want You' - taken from the multi platinum album 'All The Lost Souls'.

It was a really demanding shoot for James, but he managed to find a couple of minutes to give this exclusive interview to In Your Face.

'Hi Tim. Right off the bat I just wanted to say how much I love In Your Face. Whether I'm in Ibizia, the Swiss Alps or on an extended tour of the orient, I find it hard to keep abreast of what's going on in the world of music videos. But In Your Face's up to the minute reports keep me well informed. Like a well oiled carbine, they're fast, decisive and highly accurate. And I really appreciate the no nonsense approach. Not only do they tell me How it is, but also When, Where, Why and What it is. That's why as soon as I get near a computer I log onto http://inyourface-atlantic.blogspot.com. Keep it tight.'

He didn't actually say 'keep it tight'. I made that bit up.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Driller Killer

This is a blurry picture of Bobby Gillespie fooling around on the video shoot for Primal Scream's forthcoming single 'Can't Go Back' - a tribute to the Italian 'Giallo' horror films of the 70s, directed by Kim Gehrig. What gets me is that people think video commissioning is all about drinking cappucinos, hanging out with rock stars and talking to hot models. And they're right. That is basically what it's like. Here's a picture of supermodel Lily Cole on set with a chandalier on her head:

There is also a scene featuring millionairess and model Alice Dellal lying in a bath in her underwear - but I felt too weird to take a picture of that.

I'm so much happier since Ben Cook taught me how to make music videos.


Ok... so Bob finally came through with a clip for 'Skate Clip of the Week'. Check stuntman Ali Boulala wreck himself on this 25 set monster. Ouch... definitely a hard day at the office!