So the 2008 UK Music Video Awards took place on Tuesday night. It was jokes. Adam Buxton is officially made out of funny. And David Knight and his team deserve a big hi-five for pulling it all together.
Sometimes I find it easier to describe things in song. In this instance these words from R Kelly's 'Ignition (remix)' seem appropriate:
Then after the show its the (after party)
And after the party its the (hotel lobby)
And round about four you gotta (clear the lobby)
Then take it to the room and freak somebody
That's pretty much how it was, except the 'hotel lobby' was actually the street outside the Orchid club, where we stood around for about half an hour, and 'the room' was in fact Academy's offices.
The In Your Face paparazzi team were on hand all night to capture these exclusive and totally random photographs.
Here's a picture of Luke Taylor from Big Balls dancing. If I had to write a caption for this it would be: 'Yeah I'm drunk. What the fuck are you gonna do about it'.

Here are producer Juliette Larthe and actress Maryam L'Ange adding some glamour to the proceedings.

Below you can see editor Jim Wright and art director Tiddaz congratulating themselves on what a wicked job they both did on Blackout Crew's 'Put A Donk On It' video. And on the right is Draw Pictures director David Allain showing off his flawless complexion.

Finally here's Chris Massey from Academy looking a little in need of a jaw massage; and Emile from Between The Eyes just about to pass the Courvoisier. Not sure who my man in the middle is though.

Yesterday, at around lunchtime, I eventually got a mini cab boss boss into work. Snow Patrol's 'Chasing Cars' came on the radio. Racked by paranoia and come-down self-loathing, I started to weep, gently at first, and then uncontrollably, proving that music has lost none of its power to move you to your core.
Congrats on the award man! i remember seeing that dude in the middle, i was calling him 'Agent Orange' on account of his horrendous sweater. good night tho.