This week I went to see my accountant for my company's Annual General Meeting. This is one calendar event that I really look forward to. I love shooting the shit with my accountant. He's funny. I love how he talks to his secretary on speaker phone while I'm there. I love the frisson of excitement that I get when he tells me how much tax I have to pay. I love the feeling of apprehension in my stomach as I realise that I haven't put enough money aside to cover it. But somehow it always turns out alright. A little tweak of the ledger here and there and he nices it up.
However, in general accountants are much maligned. People love to vet their frustrations and grievances at them. I once worked with an accountant at a production company who was made to feel this more keenly than most. One morning, on receiving his mail, he opened the first jiffy bag that came to hand and reached inside only to find a piece of faeces. Yep. Actual human poo poo.

So coddled was this stool by the bubble wrapped interior of the jiffy bag that it had softened considerably in transit. When the accountant pulled out his hand, he found shit smeared all over his fingers and under his finger nails. He spent the next 3 hours in the toilets repeatedly washing his hands, trapped in a kind of horrible O.C.D nightmare. But scrub as he may he could never quite get rid of the smell of shit. It nagged and haunted him for weeks. Every time his hand went near his face he caught a faint smell of poop. After a while he began to doubt whether it was real or imagined. But it stank just the same. Of number 2. Eventually he emigrated to Thailand.
I'm not really sure what the moral of this story is. Or how it relates to videos. But I think there's a lesson in there somewhere.
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