Ecstasy happens to all of us at some point. It's unavoidable. Put on my raving shoes and I boarded a plane. Glug. Bosh. Gulp. I'm raving, I'm raving. Getting pissed on Es is of course one of the funnest things that you can do. And after a pill lacuna lasting nearly 7 years, I was reminded of this fact a few weekends ago as I attended a stag do in Devon powered solely by xtc, nasen-tutter and booze.

The hi-jinx culminated in a Saturday night trip to the Fusion 2 nightclub in Kingsbridge. When we arrived at 11.00pm it was deserted. By midnight it resembled a mobbed gay club. There were only about four women in the whole venue. Another stag party dressed as pirates jostled and nudged on the dance floor. We might as well have been in the Joiners Arms. I went outside and did a line off the bonnet of a van in the car park. (Fusion 2 must have the hottest security in the UK - it'd be easier to take drugs in prison.) Back inside the creepy red sculptural features that adorned the walls, and looked like rectal prolapse, quivered to the sound of 'Bonkers'. To celebrate I drank a bottle of blue WKD, had a slug of Jagermeister, and necked a bean and half a TCB. Fuck. To quote Mannie Fresh: "I'm in the club seein' all kind of colours and shit". Initially I held it down. It's fine. After 20 minutes my mouth went dry and my chest began to tighten and gently compress my heart. Wait a minute. I can't breathe. I can't fucking breathe. I'm doing a Leah Betts. Oh god I'm about to taste the bitterness of E death. This can't be fucking happening. A few sips of water calmed me down. Relax. You know about this. And then the sound system discharged. Dum. Dum. De. Dum. "You've got to show me love". Woooooooooh. I'm back. I can feel another rush coming on.
The club finished at 3.00am. We went back to the barn where we were staying. Some tabla music started playing. I started hallucinating.
Luckily I'd Prefer Not To TV was on hand to Flip this ode to the gayness of stags:
Stagstock 09 from I'd Prefer Not To TV on Vimeo.
In other news, we shot the video for Little Boots' next single 'Remedy' last Friday. Sarah Chatfield, aka Chattaz, from Colonel Blimp directed it and Georgina Filmore did the budget. Here's a picture of Sarah and Victoria together on set:

Shane Davey is directing the next Enter Shikari video for Claire on Wednesday. The song is called 'No Sleep Tonight'.
And next Wednesday Ollie Evans off of Partizan is making the video for Preston's first solo outing, 'Dressed To Kill'.
Finally Atlantic have signed Jay Z. J Hova will be over in the next couple of weeks on a promo trip and I'm going to ask him if I can commission his videos.
Stay big.