The room smells of ego and fear. Verbal jostling. What? Scores on the doors. Midweeks. Middle weeks. Numbers. Single sales down. Albums up 34%. Vera Lynn. This World War 2 thing is really working. Album churn. Two hit message. Posters. Ad spend. X Factor slot. Slot it. Second phase tent poles. Jonathan Ross. Jools Holland. Alison likes it. GMTV. What's the ship? Tescos are saying 70 thousand. Sainsburys have lost confidence. Asda don't want it. What? They're the rock supermarket. They sell more copies of Kerrang than any other retailer. What's our competition? Gonna be hard at Radio 1. George hates it. The gatekeeper. Zuul. We need Rick Moranis up in this piece. Shouting. Shouting. What? iTunes bundles. Murder murder murder. 360. Expanded rights rape. The show sold out in 10 seconds. D2C. Direct 2 Consumer. Ass 2 Mouth. Sync opportunities. What? What? What?
Hmmmmm. Mr Ahmed, who is my spiritual advisor and a keen follower of this blog, is sure to have something to say about this when I next have a session with him.
Anyhow, you all need to peep this - essential viewing in confusing times:
You can see the rest here. And here. And here.
I'm also now the proud owner of this:

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