Here's an out of focus snap of Michael on set kind of glowing like the 'Ready Brek' kid:

We were lucky enough to shoot on 35mm. For me there's no better sound than a 400 foot mag of dirty five whirring through the camera as you shoot yet another full run through. It really reminds me of my other favourite hobby - burning money.
Here's a picture of some short ends that we threw away just because we could.

And here's art director Sam Tidman, aka Tiddaz, paying homage to Daniel Wolfe and sporting Wu Wear. PLO style.

Don't even bother coming on set with me unless you're wearing a Wu Tang T-shirt. They should make that a rule at the MVPA. What the fuck happened to the MVPA anyway? Did they ever get round to writing that contract?
Also, some of you may not be aware of the fact that Tiddaz art directed Blackout Crew's 'Put A Donk On It' video. He reckons it was the best moment of his career. Their brief to him was: 'Make it look like Dr Dre's studio'.