Monday, 8 September 2008

Where's the expression of pleasure?

We've been keeping Stitchthat Bob pretty busy of late. He directed the video for the Rifles' forthcoming single 'The Great Escape' in Kingston upon Thames over the weekend. But despite his work commitments, and hectic 'woo woo' party lifestyle, he still managed to find time to send us this clip of Gou Miyagi. In case you don't notice it at first, he skates without grip tape. Shit is unbelievable. And to top it off, the final trick is intercut with rapid shots of an eldritch ceremonial drummer, dressed in a white flaxen thong, beating a chau gong. True.

Bob maintains that Kingston upon Thames is his favourite place to shoot. When I asked him why, he replied simply that 'Kingston was once a royal demesne. Ethelwulf of Wessex held council there. In Old English it literally means farmstead of the kings'.


1 comment:

  1. This video blew my mind like a cheap hooker on crack...
    it literally made me want to go out and hurt myself trying to 'one up' anything i have ever thought of doing at any spot, andything you normally look at and go "that would be great, but theres that thing in the way..." is now an excuse to invent a new track to beat the spot into submission.

    i am now a man on a mission.

